What a year this month has been

Dear everyone,
What a crazy month it has been. I hope you are all safe, healthy and staying sane during these difficult times. I'm sorry a lot of you have had to close your shop temporarily and I can only hope that the end isn't too far away. I have been working from home with my 3.5 and 9 month old which has been a bit of a disaster, but at the same time, I am grateful for the time to slow down, reflect, and connect (virtually) with family and friends. As I've shared in a previous email, we are open to ensure we are supporting you in case you have custom or online orders, but we'd advise everyone to make sure you're saving for a rainy day and don't make unnecessary expenditures. Our staff are following strict safety procedures and have been provided supplies to ensure they are safe during fulfillment.
What we've worked on this month:
We have made a few additions to our website, as follows:
Our Values
We added a new page on our website to share with you what we stand for. This is as much for you as it is for us. We need a compass that will always guide us as we move forward!
Our Media Kit
We have added a new page on our website where you can download our logos and product pictures in case you wanted to use it on your website/ IG. And for those who follow us on IG, you must have seen the Instagram stickers we launched yesterday for some ear curation fun! These stickers can be accessed by going into your IG stories, selecting the GIF page and searching "junipurr" on the top search bar. Happy ear curating!
We added a new page on our website for all of the testimonials we have received to date which we are super grateful for. Please keep them coming as it motivates us to do better every day!
New Designs
We have shared a number of series of our brainstorming with you all. The items most voted for have been added to our website as Coming Soon items. Subscribe to our "Notify me when it's available" feature to get an email once they become available. Thank you so much for all of your feedback!
We received some feedback about the strength of our boxes so we have upgraded to a stronger eco-friendly box to ensure it protects your jewelry during transit.
Our Gold Rings
We've restocked most of them! And we will be offering additional sizes in 11mm and 12mm for some of them next week!
What's next?
More Designs
Doodling is something we do on a daily basis. We will be coming out with a few more design series based on your feedback like witches, animals, and more pop culture stuff!
A Junipurr Branded Display
We are on our 2nd round of brainstorming and we can't wait to show you our concepts soon.
We want to start writing blogs! Please share with me any topics you would like us to write about :)
Thank you for your continued support. Feel free to write me anytime, especially if there are any incentives that you feel would be beneficial when you are able to get back to work. Stay safe, healthy and take care of each other! ❤❤❤