Prize Freeze EXTENDED until August 31st!!

Get your GOLD now and Tell your Friends!
This has certainly been a tough year for our industry. With gold rising to around 2000 USD/oz, we're most certainly going to have to raise our prices soon.
However, we recognize that raising prices right now is really going to hurt the entire ecosystem for our community. When we started this company, we made a promise that we are going to make things accessible for piercers. We can't imagine a time where this commitment is going to mean more for all of us, thus we've decided to forgo our monies and we're going to continue our price freeze until August 31st.
Covid reminds us that we are all in this together, we have to help each other to survive and dare we hope - thrive. We ask that in return, you tell your fellow piercers about this little piece of good news. We're not going to make you share this on social to enjoy the price freeze, this is strictly an honour system.
Love, Junipurr