An important update from Junipurr Jewelry about COVID-19

Hi everyone,
First, we hope you’re all safe - whether you’ve decided to close your studio or you’re still piercing, these are super hard times for our industry and we wish everyone well.
We can only hope that our governments won’t forget about our industry when they are spending all their money bailing out the banks and airlines. It’s the small businesses that keep the economy vibrant... but we digress.
At Junipurr, we currently only have 3 full time and 1 part time staff. Yes we’re a small operation. All of whom are now working from home except for fulfillment days.
As a wholesaler, it’s a fine line to make sure we’re still supporting our clients who depend on us to make a living and the safety of our own staff.
So here’s what we’re doing:
- Our 2 fulfillment staff will come in twice a week to fulfill your orders, taking every precaution and health and safety measure available to us.
- They’ve all been given masks and trained on best practices.
- All staff will be paid regularly during any downtime caused by this virus.
- We apologize that we won’t be able to ship the next business day but this is the best solution we can offer at the moment.
Thank you, we love you all and we are all going to get through this with a lot of common sense and a little bit of faith.
P.S. Goes without saying, all jewelry should be autoclaved prior to use as per standard practices.
Stay safe everyone 🖤,