How to Create a Safe Space When Reopening Your Piercing Studio

How to Create a Safe Space When Reopening Your Piercing Studio
The thought of reopening your piercing studio likely has you feeling a lot of different emotions. Excitement, eagerness, and maybe even a bit of anxiety. Returning to work after a global pandemic is something none of us could have planned for, but we all need to do our best to keep both our staff and clients safe during this unpredictable time.
Luckily, we work in a field that requires a lot of decontamination, proper health and safety precautions, and sterilization techniques on a regular basis. It’s safe to say that all you experience with Cavicide is about to pay off big time!
Abide by your local bylaws
As covid-19 has had an international impact, all parts of the world are approaching reopening in different ways. It is important to keep up to date with your local mandates and bylaws when it comes to reopening your business.
If your area is still under stay at home orders, or your government has urged non-essential services to remain closed it is important that you put you and your customers safety first and abide by those rules.
Official government websites are the best resource to stay up to date with what is happening in your area, and what precautions you should currently be taking. As a professional piercer, or studio manager it is pertinent to do your best to keep both your peers and clients informed and safe!
Appointments vs. Walk-ins
We are all undergoing different types of rules when it comes to reopening, but a safe way to limit the amount of clients in your studio, and maintaining proper physical distancing is to rule out walk-ins. Appointments may be your best bet during this time, as you will be able to easily monitor who is in your studio and avoid crowding.
Ensure that your clients have not travelled, and are in good health
It is perfectly fine to inquire about your clients current state of health, or recent travel plans before they enter your studio.
Clients with stronger immune systems have a greater chance of having a shorter healing time for their piercings, so discourage anyone from coming in that may be feeling less than 100% healthy!
Physical Signage and Resources
There are a few helpful resources that you may want to add to your studio before reopening. For example, social distancing stickers that can be placed on your floor can help guide clients and ensure that there is not too much crowding around one area of your studio.
A second resource would be having hand sanitizer readily available for your clients to use as they enter and leave your studio. This sets a president for a clean environment, and will help to keep bacteria at bay.
Depending on where you are located your government may require you and your clients to wear masks. This may mean your client is able to get an ear piercing, but not an oral or nostril piercing. Out of courtesy to your clients you may want to make sure they are aware ahead of time that the services you offer may have temporarily changed
.Mainy establishments are also choosing to install plexiglass at tills or anywhere you may be in close proximity to your clients.
Lastly, you may also want to check your clients temperatures before they enter your studio. As we know, many people can be asymptomatic, or appear healthy while they may still have a fever. A great resource to have on hand would be a contactless thermometer to check clients temperature before entering your studio.
Limit the number of guests a client can bring into a studio
Ideally we would hope that the client comes alone to their appointment to limit the amount of people inside your studio at once. If this is not the case, politely ask your client to have their guests wait outside, or stay at home.
We know that having a support system can calm nerves, but in this case we need to put everyone's safety at the forefront and forgo bringing friends or loved ones along.
Because of this you may make the decision to not pierce minors who require a second family member to be present during this time.
Ask clients to pay with card instead of cash
Eliminating the exchange of cash and change will also minimize the risk of spreading germs.
Making clients aware ahead of time to bring a debit or credit card with them will make your entire transaction seamless, and more sanitary.
Questions or concerns can be moved online
Encourage your clients to reach out via phone or email with questions and concerns rather than just dropping by your studio unannounced. A great way to communicate with your clients is posting regularly on your social media platforms. If you’re gearing up to reopen your studio, it may be a good idea to post something about what safety precautions you will be taking, and what your clients can expect when visiting your studio.
We saw Lynn and the team Icon Tattoo & Piercing put up a great post outlining their expectations and boundaries regarding covid-19, feel free to check it out for inspiration.
In addition to this Ricardo Miro also put up a post on his instagram page recently that serves as a great resource for upcoming clients! Check it out below.
Ricardo Miro also shared this infographic with us that will serve as an awesome resource to hang inside the studio to remind clients of the safety precautions during their appointment!