10 Eco-Friendly Hacks To Use In Your Piercing Studio

When it comes to piercing, we know that making sustainable and eco-friendly decisions can sometimes be challenging! Whether you operate in a fully disposable piercing studio or you repurpose your tools, there are always ways to make your day-to-day piercing practices more eco-friendly.
We asked piercers within our community to share a few of their favourite tips and tricks on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste in their studio when possible!
1. Reuse packaging
@parkercarpenterpiercing shared with us on Instagram that they “save all the baggies my jewelry comes in to reuse for clients jewelry swaps.”
This is a great option when it comes to reusing plastic! Most companies will send your jewelry orders in a bubble mailer, followed by plastics bags to keep your order organized. These baggies can be great for sending clients original jewelry home in, or to organize small items in your studio!
2. If you have an online store, opt for eco friendly packaging
There are a lot of great options for eco-friendly packaging when it comes to compostable mailers, paper inserts, and business cards. Better yet, you can repurpose old packaging or jewelry boxes you may have on hand from previous orders! Many clients won’t mind mismatched branding or repurposed packaging if it means you can offer a more sustainable experience!
If you’re interested in getting recycled business cards or postcard inserts made, check out a company like Moo that offers cotton paper options.
3. Cut out business cards
We’ve seen many studios opt to cut out business cards all together as an effort to minimize one use products in their studio. To get around this, try investing in a contact sign! These are small signs that have all your contact information and social media listed for your studio.
Encourage your clients to take a photo of your sign and they will instantly have a digital copy of your contact info on their phone! They may even add your studio directly as a contact!
These signs are also great for conventions or pop-up events (when they come back) because it's quick and easy to snap a picture while people are on the go to their next booth or class.
Many people opt to include a QR code as well to be able to take a client directly to their shop’s website or google listing!
4. Swap to wooden swabs instead of plastic
We absolutely love this hack. This is such a small change, that can make a big difference, especially with the amount of swabs piercers use on a daily basis!
@hannahbuck_bodypiercing shared “I use toothpicks and gentian instead of single-use plastic pens, and paper/wood handled Q tips.”
5. Take advantage of good weather
This tip largely depends on your climate, but another easy way to cut down on your power usage is open up the windows and doors to your studio instead of AC. This is also a nice way to get some air flow within your studio!
6. Switch all cabinet and overhead lighting to LEDs
LED lighting is awesome when it comes to energy use, as well as creating a customized look in your studio as most can operate on a dimmer. Not only do LEDs use less energy, they often last a lot longer than traditional light bulbs as well, meaning you’ll spend less time fussing with changing that bulb in that back of your jewelry cabinet, or the highest point of your studio's ceiling!
7. Start recycling
I’m sure many of you already do this, but if you haven’t started it is time to implement a recycling program in your studio.
Add a compost and recycling bin into your studio's lunch/staff room. In addition to this, ensure that you dispose of all your packaging and tools properly based on your cities recycling guidelines.
You’d be surprised how much of what you use can be recycled when done so properly! This may take a bit of extra time, but it will help our plant in the long run.
8. Go paperless
@Ironforgedtattoos shared “ Paperless records, aftercare and receipt” and we just LOVE this tip. Going paperless is not an easy thing to do, especially if your studio has boxes and boxes of paper waivers, and records, BUT it is totally worth it. Take a few days to dive into those older records, and scan them into digital copies. Going digital will not only cut down on your paper use, but it will cut down on the storage for all those papers! Plus going digital will allow you to sift through your documents with just a few clicks.
Going forward, have your clients fill out their waivers online, or with a tablet in the studio. Once they're done this will instantly be a part of your collection, and you won’t have to worry about misplacing or damaging any more loose papers!
9. If you have the space, plant a pollinator garden
Gardens will not only add curb appeal to your piercing studio, but they can also be great for pollinators! Here in Toronto pollinator gardens have gained a lot of popularity with small business owners. These can be as small as a single planter outside your studio filled with plants and flowers that appeal to bees, butterflies and other insects that help keep our ecosystem going! Check out this link on how to create your own pollinator garden!
10. Work with companies that align with your values!
Many companies within the piercing/body modification industry care about the wellbeing of our planet. Doing a bit of research, or reaching out directly to representatives at your suppliers can help to shed a bit of light on what they are doing to offset their carbon footprint.
Working alongside companies that share your values will not only make you feel better about where you're spending your money, but will hopefully encourage more companies to start caring as well!
At Junipurr we have invested in working with Ecologi.
Ecologi is a company that helps us to plant trees in our Junipurr forest based on different goals we want to achieve as a business. This month we are planting one tree for each order placed! We are very excited to see how many trees we are able to plant this month, and will be sure to update you all via our social media. Thank you for allowing us learr, improve, and to continue to grow!